Visits to Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth, Jabalpur. ​

Visits to Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth, Jabalpur. ​

On January 15th, 2024, CEO Dr. Rosetta Williams conducted a visit to Pratibhasthali Vidyapeeth to explore its exemplary educational practices and integrate them into our school systems. This visit highlighted a forward-thinking approach to education, inspired by the teachings of Vidyasagarji Maharaj. Pratibhasthali places a strong emphasis on empowering girls and shaping a brighter future for them, prioritizing educational impact over mere financial gains. The initiative is led by dedicated unmarried teachers and Brahmacharinis (Didis). The Chal Charkha center at Pratibhasthali serves as the school's core, providing an innovative training program for women. The insights gained from the visit include various initiatives that can be implemented in our schools, such as the introduction of Hastakala, incorporating value-based teaching at DVM Schools, initiating peer teaching programs, and more. This visit has enriched our understanding and provided valuable takeaways for enhancing the educational experience in our institutions​

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