The Guiding Force


Shri Jaidayal Dalmia Ji

Lt. Shri Jai Hari Dalmia Ji

1944 – 2021

“Successful education is one that brings a change in the thought process and a quest to learn more.

We started our journey to mould the young minds with Leadership quality by establishing a temple of education for nurturing the minds of children in the form of the Dalmia Vidya Mandir.

I believe that education is more than just academic excellence. Education in its true character teaches an individual from a young age to be a lifelong learner and a good human being. Our education system prepares them to lead, impact and improve the world around them by being a good human beings with strong values and high ethical behaviour on all fronts.

Our School aim is to assist students and prepare them for not only academic excellence, but also to face the world and society without fear.

I am proud of our growing students under the guidance of CEO Dr Rosetta Williams and her team.”

Shri Yadu Hari Dalmia Ji

"Education is a harmonious development of body, mind and soul. Today the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower its students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of an ever changing global society.

Wishing all the best in their lives to all the students of Dalmia Schools. God bless all."

Shri Gautam Dalmia Ji

Dalmia Vidya Mandir School is to provide a safe and intellectually challenging the environment that will empower students to become innovative thinkers, creative problem solvers and inspired learners prepared to thrive in the twenty-first century.

High standards and expectations for each student in regard to academic performance, co-curricular participation, and responsible citizenship are the foundation of our school. It is with pride that we hold these high standards and ask each of our students to commit to maintaining the extraordinary record of achievement and contribution to the Nation.

Best Wishes to our highly competent CEO - Dr. Rosetta Williams and the entire team of Dalmia Schools.

Shri Puneet Dalmia Ji

Dear Children, Faculty & Parents Welcome to the Dalmia Vidya Mandir.

As we progress to make Dalmia Vidya Mandir the most preferred school of choice for value based education in India, we know we have a lot to do still, but what keeps us going is the love, dedication and commitment of our students, teachers, support teams and the parents who are working tirelessly in unison to fulfill this dream. I bow to them.

Under the able leadership of our School CEO and her team, I am sure we will not only surpass in our academic vision but also in the field of Art, culture, sport and other co-curricular activities as well.

The successes of our children is our topmost priority and we believe they have to be successful in life and not just in profession. Hence Dalmia Vidya Mandir encourages wholesome participation from our children both in academics as well as a range of extra-curricular activities thus ensuring holistic education.

With a long and rewarding history of achievement in education, Dalmia Vidya Mandir continues to move forward with humility, confidence, pride and enthusiasm. I wish the children, Parents, faculty, support staff and the CEO, all the very best in life and welcome you all to join our journey in making the experience of education a joyous and enriching one for our children.

Welcome to Dalmia Vidya Mandir - A temple of value based education. God Bless

Academic Calendar

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Explore Dalmia Vidya Mandir

Annual Report

Explore Dalmia Vidya Mandir


Explore Dalmia Vidya Mandir