SAFAL (Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning)

SAFAL (Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning)

SAFAL (Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning) stands as a competency-based assessment program initiated by the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) for students in grades 3, 5, and 8. Its primary goal is to evaluate not only core concepts but also the application of knowledge and higher-order thinking skills, all in line with the objectives delineated in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Our CBSE-affiliated schools, namely Dalmia Vidya Mandir in Rajgangpur, Chirawa, and Dalmiapuram, are adhering to the SAFAL guidelines and implementing them within the school premises. Dalmia Vidya Mandir, Rajgangpur presented as Pilot school for SAFAL in session 2023-24.​

  • Motivate education towards competency-based learning.​
  • Measure school performance on key competencies.​
  • Identify areas of academic intervention for support and management.​
Key Features
  • Tests core concepts and discourages rote learning.​​
  • Applicable to both government and private schools.​​
  • School-level data sharing for development of learning outcomes.​​
  • Data used for continuous improvement and support​
Usage in Schools
  • Identify learning gaps and areas for improvement.​​​
  • Modify teaching methods based on assessment results.​​​
  • Provide targeted professional development for teachers.​​​
  • Allocate resources effectively based on identified needs.​
  • Engage stakeholders and incorporate findings into long-term planning​​
Role of Teachers and Principals
  • Familiarize parents and students with SAFAL features.​​​​
  • Utilize progress cards to identify areas for improvement and support in the classroom.​​​​
  • Engage constructively with parents using progress cards.​​​​
Role of Parents
  • Understand their child's strengths and weaknesses.​​​​​
  • Collaborate with teachers to devise tailored strategies.​​​​​
  • Provide home support and monitor progress over time.​

Academic Calendar

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Annual Report

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