DVM Head Office

Dalmia Vidya Mandir, is one of the oldest chain of schools in India. Drawing on our vast experiences and resources in education, we are determined to bring quality learning to far flung places in the country and have been successful in our efforts. We bring learning opportunities to children that are accessible, affordable yet contemporary and extraordinary.

We take immense pride in imparting an education that embeds strong Indian values in students. Our aim is to provide an enabling environment that helps to nurture and develop every child's unique talent and potential to the fullest. We believe that education must help children to excel holistically across academics, sports, arts and co-curricular pursuits. Our single-minded mission is to enable students to develop into respectful, socially conscious and productive global citizens and leaders in their respective fields.

Jai Hind!

Warm Regards,

Dr. Rosetta Williams

  • Dalmia Bharat Group, Hansalaya, Delhi.


Key responsibilities of Dalmia Vidya Mandir CEO office
  • Embarked upon a journey to revitalize, renew & standardize every facet of school education ensuring 360 degree advancement.​
  • A modern contemporary curriculum with a futuristic approach has been developed for Dalmia Vidya Mandir Schools.
  • Values with Indianness enriching the lifelong learning process
  • Efforts towards self sufficiency of Dalmia Vidya Mandir Schools.​
  • To enhance Dalmia Vidya Mandir Schools as a brand of excellence.​

Together for an enriched & empowered future…”​

School Management

School Management Solutions will be provided to Organisations / Government Bodies / PPP Model desirous of availing this

We provided a complete set of instructions, guidance, and support in turning around a school that currently has been upgraded in terms of quality and requires advocacy in optimizing its potential by:

  • Shaping education
  • Curriculum advocacy
  • School leadership training
  • Innovation in marketing & admission strategy
  • Strategic growth planning of the school
  • Revamp of board & school management
  • Policy & responsibility alignment

We are heading as we….

Established a school that contains the educational field specialists who have the required experience, a keen understanding of the logistics of the process, the ability to gauge probable hurdles, and the capability to map the growth plan.

Under the ages of Dalmia Bharat Group, Dalmia Vidya Mandir is a pioneer in K-12 schools with exclusive amenities like:

  • Location planning.
  • "Advise and Guidance" on statutory approvals liaison and compliances with the architect and the client to ensure that the final design incorporates the vision of the client.
  • Designing of classrooms.
  • Surveying of the area in which the school is proposed to be located.
  • Technology implementation guidance.
  • Marketing and branding.
  • Return of investment study.
  • Guidance regarding society registration and all other procedures for obtaining registrations and permissions.
  • Affiliations.
  • Staffing, positioning, and staff training.
  • Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and Unique Selling Points (USPs).

With always ahead in new innovation and ideas, our Foundation also aligns vendor management services and other allied amenities to facilitate the process of project implementation:

  • Formation of Trust/Society/Company and various contractual sign-offs.
  • Statutory approvals, liaison and compliances.
  • Instituting academic governance through boards and committees.

Dalmia Vidya Mandir School stands unique in its operational responsibilities while retaining the ownership of the school. Under the trust and support of Dalmia Bharat Group as an operational partner, Dalmia Vidya Mandir is a modernized brand among the schools.

Restructuring and rebranding of the school

  • Re-structuring the systems as and where required
  • Recruitment of Principal and other staff as may be required
  • Academic Planning (Scholastic and Non-Scholastic) and Effective execution
  • Day to day operations
  • Financial Management
  • Facility and logistics management
  • ERP solutions to be introduced
  • Staff Training
  • Academics and Operations restructuring
  • Identification of Critical Success Factors
  • Unique Selling Points ( USP )
  • Competitors mapping
  • Business positioning
  • Feasibility Metrics
  • Develop a strategic marketing plan
  • Financial restructuring
  • Analysis of the overall standards
  • Identifying weaknesses
  • Student assessment
  • Identifying requirements
  • Identify areas of improvement

Growing technology has thrown open a maze of opportunities and choices to make learning more interesting and fun. As a result, schools routinely require the support of numerous services simultaneously. This invariably proves to be a time-consuming and tricky task as schools have to check various people offering the required products, their services, and their offered value for cost-effectiveness.

Dalmia Vidya Mandir takes the initiative in the transmission of the selecting best services, ensuring constant availability of updated facilities as per the requirement of a child’s development, and maintaining the best database to grant schools a considerable choice.

Teachers and staff are at the heart of any institution and identifying the right people with the required skills, expertise, and attitude is a very important and time-consuming task. Dalmia Vidya Mandir greatly follows the down search operations and filtering tasks with complete process and protocol.

Our Human Resource department comprises a team of subject experts that executes the tasks of identifying resourceful candidates and maintaining an updated database from which schools can choose easily.

Needless to add, professional training is imparted to all the teachers.

Dalmia Vidya Mandir always practices smooth navigation processes and updates through the required procedures prescribed by the relevant board for the purpose of affiliations.

All mandatory compliances have been put into the place with complete records of references.

How an Ideal School should be:

The School, its physical features, and its mission should have a lifetime impact. The priority ought to be to unlock each child’s potential to the fullest. The school should provide children with a wide range of opportunities and the stimulus they need to excel academically as well as in sports and arts.

Pupils should be encouraged to develop their leadership skills with integrity and honesty. The school should strive to impart the best education in the country. The school should also embrace the concept of true education; explore new learning frameworks for the 21st century, and expand the connection between the institution, technology, and parents. The rich experiences of schooling should gift students a rewarding life in adulthood. Moreover, the school should have a happy atmosphere and should allow students to grow and develop academically, socially, and personally into responsible, caring, and confident young people. Walking through the gates of the school, they should embark on a journey that is exciting, challenging, and rewarding in a warm and family environment. Starting a school is a significant and large-scale business venture. Every school has its own curriculum that is affiliated to one of the education boards. The CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) is one of the oldest, well-known, and well-established boards in the Indian education system.

The CBSE has set certain norms that need to be followed by schools that apply for affiliation. Once you set up a CBSE-affiliated curriculum for your school, you get the benefits of a self- financing board that puts in a lot of efforts to develop and manage a consistent curriculum throughout all the schools.

The procedure to open a new CBSE school in India with the affiliation of the CBSE board requires dedicated efforts and perfection in the procedures that are listed for the affiliation. Along with the basic pre-requisites like infrastructure, site, furniture, and other related elements, you also need to adhere to compliances like licenses, approvals, and acceptances from education authorities as well as other CBSE school-opening requirements in India.


Following are some of the points that will help you understand how to open a CBSE board school in India:


A defined set of schools like those run by autonomous organizations, private and unaided Government schools, schools run by public sector undertakings, and institutions run by government departments are eligible to apply for affiliation. The details can be found on the CBSE website.



Like every business, a school requires capital for erecting infrastructure and completing the procedures for set up. These requirements start right from procuring a land via ownership or on lease to setting up the structure, classrooms, laboratories, equipments, staff recruitment, and several other components. You can arrange the investments through loans but you need to be prepared for the minimal requirements, to begin with.


Registration of Society or Trust:

The school that you set up may have the support of a Government Organization or an NGO. In case of private unaided schools, they need to be established by a society that is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, of the Government of India; by Acts of the State Governments as educational, charitable or religious societies having non-proprietary character; or by Trusts. The land that is purchased or bought on lease needs to be transacted in the name of the society.


Land and Construction:

The land needs to be purchased based on precise requirements and needs.


Under the full support of Dalmia Bharat Group, Dalmia Vidya Mandir works on the basis of providing all the services with the touch of a simple click. The techniques and methodology involved in the process of developing the education sector are all aligned under one section. The website also provides an open forum for all under the other.


School ERP

Entrepreneurship Resource Planning is an integral part of our day-to-day updates. Dalmia Vidya Mandir is infused with an excellently managed ERP which contains detailed information related to the entire management and related individuals. ERP supports us in maintaining a data center that will help the school to keep a tab on the way things function.


Dalmia Vidya Mandir Schools are proud winners under Innovation Category in Indian Green Building Council - Green Your School Programme 2020 among the 380 schools across India.

1st Prize

Dalmia Vidya Mandir, Rajgangpur

3rd Prize

Dalmia Vidya Mandir, Chirawa


Earthen Pots Water Cooler @ Dalmia Vidya Mandir Chirawa


Manure from Biodegradable @ Dalmia Vidya Mandir Chirawa


Water Sprinkler System @ Dalmia Vidya Mandir Chirawa​


​Solar Street Lights​ @ Dalmia Vidya Mandir Rajgangpur


Hydroponics System Under Construction @ Dalmia Vidya Mandir Rajgangpur​​


​Dalmia Vidya Mandir, Dalmiapuram 2023-24

Academic Calendar

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Explore Dalmia Vidya Mandir

Annual Report

Explore Dalmia Vidya Mandir


Explore Dalmia Vidya Mandir